Zora Mai Quỳnh is a Vietnamese American dancer, performance artist, and writer whose short stories have appeared in Ploughshares, Vice Terraform, Masque & Spectacle, Kweli Journal, and in the Anthologies: The SEA is Ours and Genius Loci: The Spirit of Place. Their short story "The Chamber of Souls" has been translated into Czech and Spanish.
Their short story, "The Seashell" was nominated in 2015 for a Sundress Best of the Net Award for fiction, given honorary mention by the literary magazine, Glimmer Train, and was featured in APAture 2016. Their creative non-fiction essay, "Meta Eulogy: Nguyễn Ngọc Loan By A Vietnamese American," published at DiaCRITICS, was nominated in 2015 for a Sundress Best of the Net Award for creative non-fiction. Their essay, "Octavia Butler - Master Cultural Translator" was published by Twelfth Planet Press in the award winning "Luminescent Threads - Connections to Octavia Butler."
Zora is the winner of the 2021 San Francisco Foundation/Nomadic Press Literary Award. They are a finalist for the 2021 One Story Adina Talve-Goodman Fellowship and a finalist for the 2014 Barbara Deming Writing Grant. Zora has received scholarships to attend Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, VONA, Writing The Other and the Rona Jaffe Scholarship for the Bread Loaf Writers’ Workshop. Zora is a frequent book reviewer and essayist for diaCRITICS (diacritics.org) on all things ARVN (the Army of the Republic of Vietnam). You can hear them narrating for Strange Horizons, Glittership and PodCastle from time to time.